In our efforts to establish a united, powerful, and wealthy Nigeria, national unity is a key component. Important concerns like national integration can be addressed through social studies (as a holistic approach to curricular organization). A survey of the social studies curriculum from primary to tertiary level revealed that the topic is dedicated to instilling the attitudes and values required for Nigerian national integration (Mansaray & Ajiboye, 1997).
Social studies is an important part of the Nigerian school curriculum. It was first introduced into Nigerian classrooms in the early 1960s. Like any other school subject, its acceptance by Nigerian educators and students has been marred by misunderstandings, one of which is the fear that its introduction as a school subject will eventually supplant history and social science, which are well-established in school curricula (Mansaray & Ajiboye, 1997).
Social studies, on the other hand, is not the same as geography. It has nothing to do with history or government. It has nothing to do with economics. The term "social studies" does not refer to a collection of social sciences. Rather, social studies is a subject in the curriculum dedicated to the study of man and how he solves his difficulties. It's about how a person can integrate into society by having the right attitudes, values, and talents. Peace and unity are key catalysts for man's survival in his social environment, and social studies focuses on the use of critical and reflective thinking to solve challenges of man's survival in his social environment (Kissock, 1981).
In junior secondary school, social studies emphasizes on critical thinking and reflective inquiry; for example, a good citizen should be able to tell the difference between fact and rumor or propaganda (Ogunsanya, 1984). As a result, since education in Nigeria is viewed as a means of preparing the nation's youths to become good citizens, effective social studies teaching in Nigeria's junior secondary schools will undoubtedly aid in providing or enhancing unity among students at the lower level of secondary education, as well as preparing this group of students for roles as active citizens (Ojo, 1980).
Social studies, according to today's researchers, is more than just a subject; it's a way of life that examines how man influences and is influenced by his social and physical environment. They regard it as a strategy rather than a topic. This perspective on social studies implies that, like life, social studies is dynamic. So far, professors have only said what the nature and instruction of social studies should be. There is a need to understand how teachers teach social studies since there is a mismatch between what should be and what is in most human behaviors. As a result, the goal of this study is to evaluate the dynamics of teaching social studies at the college level for grade two teachers.
The primary aim of this study is to assess the dynamics of teaching social studies at the grade two teachers’ college level, thus, the following objectives;
1. To investigate how grade two teachers perceive social studies.
2. To investigate the extent to which teachers perception of social studies reflect dynamism in teaching of the subject.
3. To investigate whether or not teaching of social studies reflected modified values in the students.
The following questions guide this study;
1. How do grade two teachers perceive social studies?
2. What is the extent to which teachers’ perception of social studies reflects dynamism in teaching of the subject?
3. Does teaching of social studies reflect modified values in the students or not?
This research is significant as it will be filling a knowledge gap in the academia as this study has extremely minute research works done on it. It will also be beneficial as it highlights the importance of dynamism when teaching social studies.
This study will only cover Lagos state, only grade two teachers Colleges. This study focused on assessing the dynamics of teaching social studies at the grade two teachers’ college level. It looked to investigate how grade two teachers perceive social studies as well as to investigate the extent to which teachers perception of social studies reflect dynamism in teaching of the subject and to investigate whether or not teaching of social studies reflected modified values in the students.
This research was limited to only grade two teachers colleges therefore all other college students were not focused on because of the large population. Also, the researcher was faced with financial constraints in carrying out this research thus, causing a delay in its conclusion.
1. DYNAMICS: An operation, belief, action which is constantly changing and not static.
2. SOCIAL STUDIES: Social studies is the study of people in relation to each other and to their world. It is an issues- focused and inquiry-based interdisciplinary subject that draws upon history, geography, ecology, economics, law, philosophy, political science and other social science disciplines.
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